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At Araks, we aspire to create a sustainable foundation for beauty within every facet of our organization. Every decision matters, from where and how materials are sourced, to the economy of design, to the powerful partnerships we form with production vendors, and of course the way our customers connect with our garments and our story.

Our Approach

Sustainability is a way of life for us and a journey of continuous improvement. We know that in order to reach a goal, we need to know where we are starting from. To identify the key areas of our business where focusing on sustainability would produce the greatest impact to our overall carbon footprint, we participated in a third-party brand sustainability assessment through Bluesign.
We believe that by focusing on the four following key areas we we will be able to forward our goals, impact environmental and social change and make a difference in the world.

- Culture of Mindfulness & Economy
- Product Design
~ Partnerships
- Social Sustainability


Culture of Mindfulness and Economy

We begin with an intention in the form of a question, “How can we make something beautiful all the way through, from the very beginning to the very end?”

We strive each day with every decision to be mindful of one another, our community and our planet. Taking care is a way of life for us. We start with ourselves–our bodies and minds, our living and working spaces, and the way we impact our planet. While we take this approach seriously, we also use it as a way to invent and enliven our creative processes.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

We believe in reducing, reusing and recycling, in that order.
Our collections are designed around core fabrics that are evergreen, which means that excess materials can be worked into future seasons instead of being discarded.

We save every swatch, stockpiling hundreds of colors in binders and jars–saving every scrap to cut back on unnecessary waste, while simultaneously creating an invaluable color library reflecting years of work.

We pay it forward, by donating materials we don’t need to schools and other charitable organizations.

We encourage our customers to mix and match pieces across seasons and invest in sharing the most low impact ways to care for garments so that they leave as small of a footprint as possible post purchase.



Explore the fabrics we use.

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woman in pink bra

Mill and Factory Partners

Meet the people we work with.

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Towards the Future

The future of sustainable fashion is letting go.
Letting go of materials and practices that we are comfortable with for the sake of the environment. Letting go of the constructed demands that drive production to an unsustainable pace. It is time for the industry to evolve in a way that values the longevity of the products, and more importantly the planet, over speed and novelty.

We are not immune to the pressures of the market, and we are always looking to innovate, both for ourselves, and for our customers. When we do innovate, we do so with intention, always making sure that new ideas authentically connect with our brand’s vision and encourage thoughtful consumerism.

If the future of sustainability is in the hands of those brands who can take control of this pace, and encourage others to do the same, then we aim to lead by example for many years to come.

Read Araks’ care tips for ways to make your garments last longer and ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

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