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Garment Care

The EPA estimates that the average US resident discards over 100 pounds of clothing per year and 85% of it ends up in landfills. Taking better care of our clothes helps them last longer and in turn reduces the amount of clothing going into landfills.

And, did you know that 15% of clothing’s carbon footprint comes from the ways in which it is cared for? Washing at cooler temperatures and air-drying is friendlier for the planet and your garments.




Swim Care

Always hand rinse your swimsuit after swimming. It's even better if you can to soak your suit in cold water. This gets out salt water or chlorine, both of which will deteriorate swim fabric and elastic over time.  A mild soap or detergent may be used.  Do not wring or bleach, and air-dry flat to avoid stretching. Avoid direct or high heat as well as drying in direct sunlight as all of these can fade the fabric and ruin the integrity of the swimsuit over time. Do not tumble dry, iron, or dry clean.  Always make sure your swimsuit is completely dry before storing to prevent mildew. Sunscreens, tanning products, and spa baths may leave marks on your swimsuit. If you stain your suit try using a chemical free dish soap to remove the stain. A foam make-up wedge is a good tool for removing stains and marks. 

While our recycled swimwear is a step in the right direction in terms of sustainability, it is still not perfect.  When you wash anything that’s made from synthetic material, even recycled synthetics, microfibers, which are tiny pieces of plastic, are shed and can end up in water systems. Less microfiber is shed when these garments are washed by hand versus a machine.

If you do use a washing machine, we recommend also using a Guppyfriend Washing Bag or a Cora Ball. Both will capture the microfibers shedding off your clothes.


Intimates Care

All intimates should be hand washed in cool water with a gentle detergent and air-dried. High heat, via either water or air in a dryer will degrade the elastic as well as the fabric of your intimates. Wearing your bras in rotation allows the elastic time to rest and recover in between uses and will help pieces to last longer.


Pajama & Slip Care

All cotton and silk pieces should be washed by hand in cold water and laid flat to dry. You can also dry clean if preferred. Our silk is pre-washed, therefore it will not shrink or distort.


After Life

You can now recycle all of your unwanted clothes with Araks' Textile Recycling Bag, and receive a $30 Araks Gift Card.

To simplify the ease and process of textile recycling, we’ve partnered with Helpsy to salvage your unwanted goods. While recycling is the most commonly used term, reuse is the most sustainable option, which is why we strive to revitalize your textiles as much as we can. If they are unable to be reused in their intended form, they will then be downcycled and turned into wiping rags, insulation, or padding, depending on their fabric composition.

How It works:

1. Fill the bag with your unwanted stuff. We accept clothes, shoes, linens, bags, and accessories (washed, please).
2. Send it back (on us!) using the prepaid shipping label included in your bag.
3. Once we receive your bag, you receive your $30 Araks gift card.
4. Rest easy knowing your once-loved goods will have a new life.


Alternately, If you are in the New York City area, check out GrowNYC for a list of 27 greenmarket drop off locations around the city. Items donated through this service are taken to a sorting facility where they are sorted into different grades, with an effort to recover as much usable clothing as possible for distribution to second-hand markets.  Material that is not suitable for reuse will go to recycling markets to be used as wiping rags or shredded for low-grade fiber products such as insulation. 

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